Life/form® Central Venous Cannulation Simulator

  • Life/form® Central Venous Cannulation Simulator

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Product Information

Life/form® Central Venous Cannulation Simulator

Designed for learning and practicing CVC techniques, the Life/form® Central Venous Cannulation Simulator is directed to the emergency medical field. ACLS and ATLS participants will find this simulator to be the ideal trainer. Anatomically accurate, palpation is exactly the same as on a patient. The sternal notch, sternocleidomastoid, clavicle, and other supporting features make this simulator a pleasure to work with. Internal features include a replaceable muscle and bone section, subclavian, internal jugular, external jugular, and carotid. Use of a Swan-Ganz catheter is possible and changing of the internal tubing is extremely easy. The neck of the simulator is positioned to the left, making landmark identity quite easy visually. The sternal notch "sinks" 1 to 1-1/2 cm when palpated. All external and internal landmarks correlate to a live patient. Modified to meet ATLS and ACLS standards, this simulator has proven itself in the emergency medical field. Life/form® Central Venous Cannulation Simulator includes replaceable skin, tubing sealant, needles, one quart of Life/form® Blood, and instruction guide in a hard storage case. One-year warranty. The consultant for this project was Forrest M. Gridley, M.A., P.A.-C.


Product CodeLF01087U

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